Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree?

It is mostly thought that working for high wages is more advantageous than getting the satisfaction of what you are doing. I completely disagree with
opinion and think that pleasure is more important than salary. First of all, I believe that working with content gives people a sense of self-confidence and fulfilment that money can't guarantee. When you are chasing only money matters, correspondingly feel yourself tensed and psychologically exhausted,
Correct word choice
and you
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won't enjoy your life.
On the contrary
, if you pursue your interests and stay positive - you are guaranteed to be satisfied and pleased. Your mental health
Fix the agreement mistake
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in your career.
For example
, a lot of celebrities and movie stars made their professional choices because they were passionate about cinematography and art, not because of enormous payment. That's why it's pivotal for your mentality and better living to choose the kind of occupation that brings happiness than to look for cash.
, working for pleasure keeps you motivated
for promoting
Change preposition
to promote
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your future career growth.
In other words
, there is an evident connection between job satisfaction and productivity. People who enjoy their living can easily expand their working frontiers and achieve better results than those who are irritated,
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and worried
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and those who consider the salary the most significant.
For instance
, J.K. Rowling was an ordinary school teacher when she decided to follow her passion for literature and created
Correct article usage
an amazing
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series of books about Harry Potter has become one of the best-selling authors in the world.
, the satisfaction of what you are doing may outweigh the pursuit of
Correct article usage
an exceeded
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bank account.
To conclude
, I'm highly sure that job enjoyment is more beneficial than high wages because it makes people happy and motivated.
Submitted by karinaarifullina89 on

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Coherence and Cohesion
Your introduction and conclusion should be more developed and clear. Make sure to introduce the topic and provide a clear summary of your arguments in the conclusion.
Task Achievement
Ensure that your essay addresses all aspects of the topic clearly and directly. Consider discussing both perspectives in more detail to provide a balanced argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • remuneration
  • financial security
  • motivation
  • luxuries
  • material possessions
  • fulfillment
  • work-life balance
  • stress levels
  • mental well-being
  • job security
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