You have just received a credit card statement from your bank. The statement lists a number of expensive purchases that you are sure you did not make. Write a letter to the bank manager. In the letter: • Introduce yourself. • Explain that you did not buy the items listed. • Say what you would like the bank to do to fix the problem. You do not need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir or Madam, You should write at least 150 words.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing
letter in connection with the credit card Linking Words
that I have received a few hours ago. My name is Jenny and I have been in association with your bank in Bandra, Mumbai for 4 years with credit card number 12345678919. As soon as I look into the account, I was surprised to see the list of expensive products which I have not purchased either online or in person.
In Use synonyms
regard, I want to mention the items which were present on my transaction Linking Words
. It includes a laptop of HP brand, a 42-inch LED TV and a smartwatch. On top of that, all of these items were bought online as per the transaction Use synonyms
Use synonyms
, I would be grateful if you could perform a thorough investigation of these purchases whether these items were wrongly included in my card Linking Words
or if anyone misused my credentials. I urge you to take immediate measures to curb Use synonyms
I eagerly await your prompt action on Linking Words
Yours sincerely,
P.Jenny.Linking Words
Submitted by jothsnapraveena1421 on
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