Dear Sir/ Madam,
I have a bank account in your bank with the name of Nick Wills and account number X34362435. I am writing
letter to inquire about the bank statement of the credit card which is issued for Linking Words
month's transaction.
I was surprised when I saw lists of items in my statements that I did not buy from my card. I would like to inform you that when these items were purchased I was out of town with my family. Linking Words
is my personal card which I use only for my business purposes. Linking Words
In addition
, I never bought these costly products in my life.
I would appreciate it if you could review my statement again. I believe it is a technical error. If you would like to get any documents from my side to find a reason behind Linking Words
problem Linking Words
please email me any time.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Nick JonesLinking Words