The given chart illustrates the number of British students at a university in England who were capable of other languages than English in the years 2000 and 2010.
, it is clear from the diagram that Spanish speaking was highest than any other and all the other streams were almost equal in proportion.
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, Spanish speakers were about 30 in 2000 and rose to 35 in 2010.Linking Words
, the other language group had Linking Words
shown an upward trend from 15 to 20.
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, the number of individuals with no other languages wes 20 in 2010 and decreased to 10 in 2016.Linking Words
,In the starting year, French speakers were 20 and had shown a downward trend of 10 in 2016.
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, there are 2 groups who were constant from starting till the end those were the other languages and individuals who spoke German they never had any fluctuations and remained 10.Linking Words