The chart below shows the expenditure on three categories among different age groups of residents in the UK in 2004.

The chart below shows the expenditure on three categories among different age groups of residents in the UK in 2004.
The provided bar chart enumerates the spending on three categories amongst various age groups of UK inhabitants in the year 2004.
, it can be seen that the statistics of the three classes altered depending on the age range, and had a few fluctuations. It is clearly seen that the field of entertainment was the most common among the people aged from 61 to 75, to be precise, over 20 per
, the trend for restaurants and hotels was downwards, only a little more than 5 per
. At the same time, food and drink categorization interested those aged 76 and
, with the identical percentage. Turning to the details, surprisingly food and drink category had its lowest trend within individuals under 30 years,
restaurant and hotel were quite prevalent, approximately 15 per
. Regarding people aged 46-60, food and drink were in the first place, the similar could be said about those from the 31-45 classification, one having a proportion of nearly 15 per
the other was slightly above that index.
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