The pie charts elicit the tertiary education qualifications of Canadians aged between 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.
It is clear that
Canadians for both groups, Social sciences, and Arts were the prominent fields chosen in comparison to humanities and other fields which were the least chosen subjects.
Looking at the information in more detail, it is empirical in both groups that nearly a fifth of them have a qualification in Social Science and Arts. A significant similarity can be observed for humanities subjects as well, as it only consists of approximately 5% of degree holders for the two groups.
Linking Words
In contrast
to the data above, a clear difference in the number of disciplines chosen for tertiary level of education can be seen for engineering, with the younger age Linking Words
only having 9% Use synonyms
the older age Linking Words
shows an increment of 10%. To add on, the opposite can be seen when we take science, maths, and computers into account where almost 20% of the former Use synonyms
took Use synonyms
subject as compared to the latter age Linking Words
with an 8% difference.Use synonyms