The diagrams below display the percentage of folks who watched reality and game performances in men and women each different ages in Australia.
When it comes to sex, women spent their time watching reality series more than men at 70%
men were at approximately 35%. Linking Words
In contrast
, Linking Words
males were interested in games more than females, the gap between them was less than 5%.
Linking Words
, the crowds over 45 were considered the majority of the audiences in both programs, about 70%, in parallel, the age order of the first programs' watchers was 45, 35-44, 25-34 and 16-24 Linking Words
. Linking Words
On the contrary
, those between 16-24 were the second sequence of game shows, followed by the folks during 25-34 and during 35-44.
Linking Words
, in Australia, women were the major watchers of reality programs meanwhile males usually watched the most amusing performances, Linking Words
that, individuals who are 45+ were the main consumers. Linking Words
, the form of the proportion may change in the future since both sexes start being fascinated by each interests.Linking Words