The bar chart illustrates the amount of revenue in billions from five exporting products and the table presents the changes of fractions in those product values between 2015 and 2016.
, Linking Words
it is clear that
the main sources of earnings come from oil and engineered goods. Linking Words
, fabrics, which are the Linking Words
place of all export incomes, have the highest change in value.
Linking Words
To begin
with, petroleum products occupied 60 in the first year and slightly increased to nearly 62 in 2016. Engineered goods were around 57 in 2015 before rocketing up to 61. Linking Words
, A noticeable drop was seen in gems and jewellery from approximately 43 to 41. Produce from agriculture started almost remained at the same number in both years. Linking Words
, textiles, which registered 25 in 2015, surged to 31 Linking Words
at the end
of the period.
Linking Words
, the percentage of textiles from 2015 to 2016 rose the most compared to others, with 15.24%. It was followed by engineered machines, petrol and agricultural produce which were at 8.5%, 3% and 0.81% respectively. Linking Words
On the contrary
, the trend of gems and jewellery reversed, going down 5.18%.Linking Words