Write a letter to your manager to request setting up a cafeteria for the staff. In your letter, you should tell: what you heard about the inconvenience from the staff how you feel about it what suggestions you have

Dear Sir, I am Kiranpreet Kaur, working as Shift Supervisor in your organization from 2021. I am writing to you
due to
the dissatisfaction expressed by staff members recently about the
15 minutes
Correct your spelling
break criteria and a suggestion to help resolve
matter. Recently, I had a meeting with some
colleagues who told me that they have to eat their food
Change preposition
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desks when they have
Change the article
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15 minutes
Correct your spelling
break because
Correct article usage
the lunch
show examples
room is too far and they have to travel to the 3rd floor which wastes their time.
, during that short
Add a comma
show examples
they have to juggle with
work because of the continuous calls and Emails. So, they are not able
Add the particle
to relieve
show examples
themselves during their break. In order to solve it, we need to provide them
Add the preposition
with a
show examples
dedicated facility like a cafe where they can enjoy some leisure moments and distract themselves from
Correct article usage
the constant
show examples
pressure they face. It could help them in improving their productivity and performance.
, I can organize a meeting with some vendors and contractors who can start
hub on a temporary basis and we can evaluate the costs and the benefits of
new venture. Let me know when we can meet up to discuss
issue and figure out a way to help the
employees. Yours faithfully, Kiranpreet Kaur
Submitted by Kiran on

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Consider breaking down some sentences to improve clarity. For instance, 'Recently, I had a meeting with some office colleagues who told me that they have to eat their food on their office desks when they have a in-between 15 minutes break because lunch room is too far and they have to travel to the 3rd floor which wastes their time' is a bit long and could be divided into two sentences for better readability.
To make your argument stronger, you could include a brief explanation of how a cafeteria would benefit the company as a whole, such as improved morale or reduced sick days.
The letter is appropriately formal and polite, which suits the purpose and audience.
You have addressed all the required points about the staff’s inconvenience, your feelings, and your suggestion.
The closing paragraph is effective and provides a clear call to action, asking for a meeting to further discuss the issue.

Use a variety of complex and simple sentences

You should use complex sentences in your writing, but it does not mean that you should try to make all of our sentences complex.

‘Complex’ sentences are not actually very complex; they are just two or more simple sentences put together. Putting them together makes the essay more coherent and cohesive.


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I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

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