There is a rapid growth of demand for online coaching services and video
in the digital era. Some
believe that
method of studying is more favourite in
compareReplace the word
show examples
to conventional learning nowadays. I completely agree with
statement as
digitalCorrect article usage
show examples
era is offering flexible
for everyone.
are haveChange the verb form
show examples
a Correct article usage
show examples
for studying will be able to learn in any
placesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and suitable
undergoing Correct word choice
show examples
digital era has affected
humanCorrect article usage
show examples
forChange preposition
show examples
learning new things, especially for those who will not be able to attend the traditional classroom setting.
, the digital product
as video and online services are easier to
the Correct article usage
show examples
who work in
constructionAdd an article
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industry are finding it difficult to gain more knowledge because they have
smallAdd an article
show examples
proportion of
to do it.
, online classes are very helpful for them.
For some
placesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
might be the biggest problem for pursuing another
skillsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
or title. But, the development of
digitalizedAdd an article
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world is bypassing
the Correct article usage
show examples
distance and the
littleCorrect word choice
show examples
proportion of
timeAdd an article
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, the digital
are helping
who can not attend the long distance location.
who live in rural areas will be able to join
a Correct the article-noun agreement
show examples
itCorrect your spelling
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conductingWrong verb form
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in big cities which it is far from their
hometownFix the agreement mistake
show examples
who choose to live in some areas that might be far from
courseCorrect article usage
show examples
siteFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in conclusion, digitalization is proposing flexible
wantsCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
to study.
have surpassingWrong verb form
show examples
the distance for
livedWrong verb form
show examples
in far
locationFix the agreement mistake
show examples