IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Owing to the increases in the family"s expenditures.Some people think that both the father and the mother need to have a job.Furthermore, there are others who believe that parents support it is more important than extra income.I will discuss both sides of the argument and I will summaries my personal conclusion.
Exchange programs are becoming more and more popular within students in University who spend part of their academic program in another country. Among many advantages of this kind of experience, people are able to experience a different culture and learn languages; on the other hand, students may suffer being away from family and friends and there may be high costs involved. In my opinion, studying abroad is worth besides the challenges that the students have to face.
It is commonly observed that people are increasing spending more time indoors rather than going out in the nature. There are various factors contributing to this social behavior and I see this, as a negative development in the society.
Nowadays, it is true that the traditional custom for having a family meal is decreasing. There are several reasons for this tendency, which is having significant impact on the daily family lives .
In some nations, recycling of waste materials isn't being done to a considerable extent. The reason behind this problem might be, that, the people don't care enough, which can be resolved by the government taking certain measures against this. In this essay, the reasons for not enough recycling and measures that can be taken to deal with the issue will be discussed.
In the recent days, it becomes apparent that the young tend to disconnect social relationship with the older people. There are some reasons which can be put forward to explain this changing pattern of behavior and more significant impacts on the misunderstanding of mindset and activities in both generations.
We live in a world where criminal activities have started becoming the new norm. In recent years, the law around the world had hard time managing the peace and harmony. While some people blame the technology and the economy growth which brings enough tools for the culprit to do the deed, others believe factors like the drastic difference between social and financial status of people, are to blame. I believe causes like lack of acceptance in terms of different race, ethnicity, culture and re...
In today's world, life has changed significantly. People's working hours are longer than in the past and have become hectic. The main problems to this cause are increasing competition in the market, and the most viable solution is employers should take a lot of steps to cope with workplace stress.
It is true that people do not realize the importance of the natural world. While there are some reasons to explain this lack of knowledge, it can be some ways in which people can enhance their understanding.
It is true that some individuals are in debt because they buy unneedful things that they can not afford. The main cause of this problem is that banks encourage people to take loans over their spending limit and the most viable solution is that governments should implement laws to restrict people from taking loans.
Heritage is the most treasured element of any society yet these ancient monuments are not visited by local people. The absence of local footfalls on such sites is because of the lack of curiosity to visit these places. However, the organisation of events at such places can encourage people to visit these sites often.
With the increase in human right advocacies, a group of countries still impose strict regulations to kids' behaviours. However, some countries give full access to kids to do whatever they want with little or no restriction. Children should be kept under close supervision and follow strict rules.This essay will discuss reasons why children should be have to follow rules.
Nowadays, the fact that children take extra lessons outside the curriculum is getting more and more popular in many countries, especially in Asia, and lots of parents argue that it is necessary to do. From my perspective, students should be encouraged to have more time to develop their soft skills instead of taking more academic lessons.
It is crystal clear that, many of the dangerous animals are about going extinct, while others are being threatened out of existence. This essay would discuss threats, fear and poor government policies as causes, and suggest how good orientation with better governments policies as solutions to this unfortunate trend.
The majority of the population find it tough to balance their office work, personal and family life. There are lots of reasons for this unbalance life such as longer working hours, work load, the improper working practices etc. However, these problems can be tackled by proper time management, adopting set working practices such as 3M and six-sigma, priority decisions etc.
Majority of population find it tough to balance their office work and personal and family life. There are lots of reasons for this unbalance life such as longer working hours, work load, improper working practices etc. However, these problems can be tackled by proper time management, adopting set working practices such as 3M and six-sigma, priority decisions etc.
It is evident that some nations have prohibited the act of smoking tobacco in commercial buildings. However, there is an argument to this decision as not all nations are declaring such laws. This essay will discuss both views and come out with a decisive conclusion.
Number of crime that happened which contributed by young generation and teenagers are increasing in a faster rate compare to last time. This is one of the serious phenomenon that occur in our daily life. This essay will demonstrate some of the reasons which associated with this problem and provide some methods to avoid it.
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