IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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These days, individuals have many uneasy worries whether they are at home or out. There are many causes of this problem but there are still solutions to solve them.
Researchers are of the view that many inmates will reoffend after their release from prison. This arises due to the negative influence of other prisoners and the lack of vocational skills. This essay will propose two promising solutions to this problem.
It is true that there is a high rate of recidivism when the sinners are emancipated from prison. Although there will undoubtedly be cause for this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.
In countries such as Australia, there are two types of schools for primary and secondary students: public (government) schools and private schools. Private schools still typically receive funding from the government, something I believe is wrong and should end
Thesedays, interaction among people has supressed due to the development of technology. Relationship with gadgets is now more important than any other kind of relationship among people. According to my view, technology has both pros and cons. In this essay I will support my opinion with reasons.
It is argued that people nowadays prefer to interact online rather than talking to other people in real life. There are few reasons for it. It is a more negative development in my opinion.
In recent decades, citizens of developed countries have been observing the transformation of rural areas into shopping malls. To my mind, this change influences negatively on surrounding environment and quality of local inhabitants' life. In this essay, I shall refer to a number of examples to illustrate problems that arise due to this trend and propose some ways to mitigate this issue.
Drug Abuse has become a topic of serious concern in recent times. The reason for widespread usage of drugs is mainly recreation and more autonomy and it can have harmful effects on health and relationships. In this essay we will discuss these aspects and try to provide reasonable solutions to this problem.
Have you ever wondered how do schools get their funding? This is a question that may have crossed almost everyone’s mind at some point and especially if private schools should be funded by the government. Personally, I disagree with this view.
In many countries these days, families no longer have close relationships. This is because of the increase in the number of parents who work full-time and the rise in the use of mobile devices and internet. Solutions to this negative trend would be propose.
A healthy relationship among families plays a key role in society. When compared to the past, the families are not close to each other in modern times and people are accustomed to this phenomenon. This essay will discuss both the reasons behind such development and its effects on society.
The rising costs of wedding in many nations is increasingly being witnessed these days. This essay will discuss the main causes of this trend including growing income and increased life expectancy. This essay will also explain why I believe this tendency can also stimulate many positive impacts on our society.
These days companies collect vast amounts of information about consumers, which has some favorable and unfavorable consequences. While allowing companies to collect customer data can help them create products that meet consumer demands, regulating this practice may be necessary because customer information is often stolen and/or used dishonestly.
Nowadays people entertain themselves by watching different kinds of movies. It completely depends on the person's interest, whether its comedy film or else message oriented film. According to me, I like amusement, based films after a long day of work, but sometimes my friends insist on watching a fantastic or scary movie just to diversify our repertory.
As more shows and movies are now able to allow us to gain an insight into different cultures and customs, some might claim that we can understand more about many other countries simply by watching it on TV. While it might be true in some true in some cases, I believe that there is a range of unexplored ways of life that could never be seen on any television programs.
As more shows and movies are now able to allow us to gain an insight into different cultures and customs, some might claim that we can understand more about the world outside simply by watching it on TV. While it might be true in some true in some cases, I believe that there are a range of unexplored corners of the Earth that could never be seen on any television programmes.
Nowadays, it is noticeable that the number of people travelling over the world has increased in comparison with the past. And without doubt, travelling is very useful. In this essay I will justify this rise in travelers` proportion and mention some advantages people can get from their travels .
Owing to the increases in the family"s expenditures.Some people think that both the father and the mother need to have a job.Furthermore, there are others who believe that parents support it is more important than extra income.I will discuss both sides of the argument and I will summaries my personal conclusion.
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