IELTS Opinion Writing Samples Band 8.5

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As compared to the past decade, there has been a decrease in people visiting historic sites. Some people argue that the cost to enter the museum for kids and teenagers should be free. I strongly agree with this view. In my opinion, it is necessary to give education about our ancestor's relics and history to the younger generations by promoting them to visit the museum and historic sites. I shall explain the point and present logical arguments, followed by some examples.
Some people believe that Universities should provide skills and knowledge which can help them later in their workplace. Few others think that educational institutions should only teach the coursework irrespective of its usability in the industry. In my opinion, Universities should equip students' with adequate skill set.
The legislation of some nations bans smoking in public areas, which forces smokers to go outdoors to consume cigarettes. From my perspective, the laws are correct since they equally benefit the consumers and society.
It is often argued that language translation by artificial machines is less precise and slow in speed. Some people say that the machines are not likely to take the part of humans. Even though people are the inventor of these things, I disagree with this assertion that there is no immediate threat to human's employment in this role.
Investment from authority is considered as an essential marker for any kind of development in a country, but whether the endowment should be allocated in the service sector or should not be used in music and theatre, is a matter of discussion. I believe that investing money on both sides is essential.
There is a believe in researchers that artificial intelligence will be more powerful than human beings. Although some opine that is a drastic invention, I personally think it is a wonderful scientific creation for us which assist us in automation.
Some opine that paying regular taxes is a sufficient contribution to the community. Others say that a good taxpayer should do more good works than that. While regular tax and vat from the civilian help to the developments, I personally believe people ought to participate others social work such as obey the law and order and try not to pollute the environment.
Over the years, comics have been the best way to the refreshment for children/s brain. It is often considered that reading these types of books will make the brain of a child rotten while some contend with this and think it is a good source of intellect.
It is being assumed that a large number of adults and children in various parts of the world will prefer home-based education and working due to having inexpensive and handy computer technology. In my opinion, this development would have negative effects on the professional abilities of people and nurturing of skills of children.
It is generally a contentious topic concerning whether welcoming or fixing an uncomfortable situation; for example, when someone has got a kind of hardship economy, is the preferable choice. In my own perspectives, the combination of these ways can help someone to tackle many sorts of undesirable conditions.
The use of smart electronic devices such as iPhone, iPad and Android in education has increased a lot than before. Some say this helps the learning, whereas others think it does not. Although smart phones in the classroom reduces interpersonal communication skill and increases typo mistakes, I believe it is essential to incorporate latest technology in the study room because of the modern interactive learning.
The idea that criminals should be punished in set punishments regardless of the reasons why they have done so remains a source of controversy. While some agree with this perspective, others claim that people must take under consideration what have pushed each individual to commit these crimes before coming to the final conclusion. This essay will discuss both these views and illustrate my own viewpoint.
There are two schools of thoughts about the success in life, some believe that hard work and devotion are the key factors, whereas a few have an opinion that other factors, like luck, play a role in it as well. In my opinion, I agree with the former group as toiling hard with determination is must to achieve the goal.
The Britishers started travelling in cars in 1888 and it has been estimated that the vehicles in the UK will increase considerably, reaching about 29 million by the year 2000. But in order to curtail this increasing trend, people must be motivated to use public transport and strict rules must be ensured globally about the ownership of cars. In my opinion, I fully agree with this as more cars on the roads not only create traffic issues but will also increase pollution.
It is true that the development of a country can be showed through many ways. While most governments believe that economic progress is the major mark of success, I would argue that there are other important areas to be developed that will demonstrate, in the long-term, how a society is wealthy and progressed.
The opinions of people differ regarding the kind of gifts to be given to adolescents. Some think cash is best, while others believe that other things are more beneficial. In my opinion, I opine that money probably has the greatest advantages.
Whether children should be guided by their parents to have appropriate manners in society later on is still a source of controversy. Some people, however, assert that this job is designated for schools. Two sides of this issue will be discussed as follows and I will illustrate my own point of view.
There exists a controversy that whether youngsters should be allowed to decide for themselves about daily things such as food, outfits and recreation. Some people assert that giving young people the right to perform such practice will make them become selfish later on. However, I am in all agreement with those who state that letting children the liberty to decide about things that influence them is of paramount importance.
The number of crimes committed by young people is increasing. Some think that the solution to this problem is to educate parents about a better parenting technique. I fully agree with this idea and believe that children's characters formed at home. This essay will first discuss the way parents respond to children's mistakes can reduce violence acts and then talk about the importance of giving enough attention to kids.
Without a doubt it is imperative to have favourable leaders amongst us in society today. Some would say leadership qualities are ingrained from birth, but on the other hand, it can be said that these are qualities you learn through life experiences and being around good leaders. I strongly believe that it is a learnt skill that is adapted over time with the proper training and ambition. In this essay I will examine both views and explain my support for the latter view.
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