IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The debate over whether luck is the primary determinant of success in achieving targets has gained a great source of controversy from intense public and personal interests. While a school of thought asserts that fortune
It is argued that some people’s success is mostly attribute to luck instead of their own hard work. However, I completely disagree with this opinion.
Life becomes purposeful when you set your goals straight. It is like an archery game, either you hit the centre or land nearby, depends on how much effort you put in the practice and your focus on the target. Though I be
The bar chart gives information about the differences of oil production Capacity in six countries (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE) in four years (1990, 2000, 2005 and 2020). It is estimated by millions o
It is though that luck is an essential element that will determine one’s success. I strongly oppose the view, and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
In a day and age, more and more people give priority to luck as a key factor enabling us to attain better outcomes. Indeed, the others argue that hard work and determination are far more necessary than luck; hence, this
It is argued that some people’s success is mostly attributable to luck instead of their own hard work. However, I completely disagree with this opinion.
It is argued that the goals achieved by people are probably based on luck. This essay disagrees with this statement because hard and smart work is required to do so.
It is argued that lucky is the key to some people’s success. As achievement is only attributed by hard work and determination, I completely disagree with this opinion.
Many people claim that luck is the most crucial element contributing to a person's success. While I accept that luck does have an important role in helping people reach their targets, I would argue that hard work and d
Many people argue that someone’s success is attributable to luck instead of their own hard work. However, I totally disagree with this opinion.
Some will agree with the point that luck plays a vital role to achive endeveours. Simultaneoulsy some will deny this and will stick on talent and hardwork are the keys to achive success. My opinion is both luck and hardw
People often attribute successes to good luck, and even more often, failures to bad luck. In my opinion, it is superficial to have the idea that one’s achievements are decided mostly by chance. When considering the list
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