IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Hey man, what's up? I hope you are doing good. First of all, thanks man for agreeing immediately to watch over my house. I am writing this to notify some basic instructions while you are here.
Hope you are doing well! Thank you so much for offering your help while I’m on holiday. I’ll be much more relieved knowing that you’ll take care of the house and Marnie while I’m away. In case you need to contact me you
I hope you are doing well.I will go to grandfather's house on Friday for 2 days .So that i will not available in my house. I am really grateful for agreeing to look after my house and pet in my absence. ,However i am sha
Thank you for accepting my offer staying to stay at my home while I am on holiday. I am going to stay at Hilton Barcelona for a week. My mobile is always with me. You may reach me whenever you need.
Thank you for accepting my offer to stay my home while I am on holiday. I am going to stay at the Hilton Barcelona for a week. My mobile is always with me. You may reach me whenever you need. I have posted my dog’s vet c
We live in a divided world into wealthy and poor countries,where the ability of people's straights depends on their quality of activity.When in one's country boys play football without shoes in other children stay at hom
How are you? I hope you're doing well. Thank you so much for agreeing to help me take care of my house next week. Furthermore, there are several things that I have to inform you.
You can’t imagine how relieved I am to know that you will be looking after my house and Kesha, my dog, during my vacation. So I’m writing this letter to give you some information you may need while I am away.
I am so glad that you have agreed to take care of my unit and dog while I am away. As you already why I am writing this letter to you so, I will not waste any time addressing the issue again rather I will provide some in
I am glad that you have accepted our request to look after our residence and pet while we go away from the house for a 7 days holiday trip to Thailand. This vacation is much needed for our family since it has been years
I`m writing to say how thankful I am that you`ve agreed to take care of my place and cat in my absence. Here is some additional info that you may need.
Hope you are doing great! I am very glad to hear that you have taken the responsibility to take care of my dog Tommy. I was pretty sure that you are not going to deny my words.
I appreciate your help with taking care of my house and pet during my holidays. I will start my holidays by flying on May 5 to Turkey with a connecting flight at Dubai. I will be back on May 12 at 6pm.
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