Hello dude, how are you? I hope you’re fine. I’m writing this letter to ask to you about your interest toward my car. I want to ask whether you still like my car or not because I will offer to sell my car to you.
I have decided to sell my car and I remember you being interested in it in the past. We are taking some time off to travel as a family, so we will be buying a caravan which requires a motor vehicle with a bigger towing c
I have decided to sell my car and I remember you being interested in it in the past. We are taking some time off to travel as a family, so we will be buying a caravan which requires a car with a bigger towing capacity.I
The reason I am writing to you is to inform you of the fact that I'm going to sell my automobile. Because you are my closest friend and I know how much you love my transport, I think you may be interested in buying it.
Hope you are doing well. I am writing to inform you that I am going to sell my car as I am moving to Africa for my new job and transferring my car there would incur a lot of expense for me. I remember you always admiring
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I want to sell my car. I know that you like my car if you want to purchase this kindly inform me.
I have recently been given a new car as a gift from my father and as you always told me how you appreciated my old Twingo, I’m writing to give you some information that I will sell this good and if you are still interest
I hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter to let you know that, I have decided to sell my car and as I know, you always admired my car from the time it was bought.
I am writing you this letter because I have decide to sell my car. I know that you have always wanted to have it so my first decision is to notice you to know if you would like to buy it.