In the contemporary era, there is an argument over an issue that education becomes the pivotal role in everyone life and it ought to be free of cost for all individuals or totally managed by bureaucrats. I completely ag
In the ultramodern ,epoch it is the point of debate on the government should pay free for education and manage it education play a very important role in every individual. Hey this notion remains successful in keeping th
Whether education at all levels should be sponsored and maintained by the government completely or not is debatable.This essay will argue why scopes of fundamental to higher studies ought to be financially supported as w
Education is one of the most essential thing that society needs presently as it plays important role in growth of individual. Making education free for the society is very big step for the government as the population is
Providing literacy to everybody free of cost has been the controversial matter for nation since decades.Many people argue this notion as it would cause huge financial burdens on the state. However, as far as I am concer
In the era of modern, discipline is a fragment of people's life. It is impossible to live in the world without the discipline of capability. Such as rudimentary counting, which is used by the masses in their daily routin
Schooling plays a key role in one's life that it should be free to individuals. I completely agree with this statement that the government should bear all types of expenses incurred at any stage of education.
It is a general perception that the ruling authority should bear the full costs of all kinds of schooling for all the citizens of the country, including primary, secondary and tertiary but, I partially agree with the abo
It is a general perception that government should bear costs of all kind of education for all citizens of the country including primary, secondary and tertiary. I partially agree with the above mentioned idealogy and bri
It is believed by some that the government must be responsible to facilitate the people with education free of cost at all levels. I completely agree with this statement because education is a basic right of human beings