IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the modern society, schooling has become a significant necessity for the growth of the future generation. The controversy has been raised over what schools should be included in classes. Some people believe that skill
The parents always desire for their children to enjoy the best facilities. However, while there are some who believes that schools ought to be taught different skills, I completely agree with those who think schools shou
The parents always desire for their children to enjoy the best facilities. However, while there are some who believes that school ought to be tought other skills, I completely agree with those who think school should con
Every guardian opt for better chances for their children. Some would argue that school help children in learning new skills; however, others say learning from various curriculums is best for the future lives of young adu
Parents always have the best interests of children at their heart. It is believed by some that children ought to learn skills at school, while others believe they will benefit more, if a variety of subjects are taught. I
The best education methodology will stay as one of the argumental topics in our community. All fathers and Mothers demand the gratest change for their sons and daughters. A way of thinking belives that, educational insti
It is a proven fact that parents generally want the best future for their children. When it comes to education, parents have conflicting views about what schooling model should be. Some would prefer the educational model
In current society, whether children ought to be taught skills or a variety of subjects, has aroused a debate. Personally, I am in the favour of enhancing abilities instead of cramming the books.
Parents always expect to have the best career for their pupils. Many people are saying school should focus more to enhance the traits of the students and other persons believe that for having the bright future of the chi
In the fast growing world, Education is the primary skill to be successful. However, this growth is forcing every parent to be a more responsible parent, for their children. The way, in which people think about the educa
In the fast growing world, Education is the primary skill to be successful. Moreover, this growth is forcing every parent to be a more responsible parent, for their children. The way, in which people thinks about the edu
Nowadays opportunities are less and competition is more.To sustain in this competitive world students need to gain different skills. These skills should be incorporated into them form school days itself. It is commonly
With the increasingly competition of society, children are expected to perform a higher result in the future. Therefore, parents try to give the best study environment to their children. There is a debate on whether scho
There is no doubt that the majority of the parents want to provide the greatest opportunities for their youngsters. However, some of them are of the opinion that the educational institutes should provide more skill class
There is no doubt that the majority of the upbringers wants to provide the greatest chances for their youngsters. However, some of them are of the opinion that the educational institutes should provide more classes were
It is quite natural that parents always try to give best of the best to their children’s. Although, it is considered by some that it is a responsibility of teacher to teach new skills in the school, while there are other
Undoubtedly, a child's future is one of the most important concerns of his or her parents. In recent times, though, there has been a debate on what is most relevant in securing the future of children. While some are of t
Children have been prosperous is the main aim of every guardian. This leads to different opinions about schools paying a great deal of attention to skills training or having different subjects will be best for future dev
In this modern era, job opportunities are widely open across all sectors. To meet this ever growing demand, parents thrive to equip their children at their very young age with the required skills. For this reason, some p
The school is an embodiment of knowledge as well as a citadel of learning. Thus, students can either pick a skill from it or with its variety of subjects it can fortify school children in preparation of their various car
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