The presented table represents the commuting modes utilized for travelling and their average distance from 1985 to 2000 in England. In general, it is conspicuous that in the all observed period, the most popular transpor
The table depicts the quantity of changes in modes of travel among England's citizens over fifteen years. The distance is measured as miles/per person.
The table depicts how use of different means of travel has change during an interval of 15 years between 1985 and 2000. In a general look at the table, it can be perceived that cars were the most popular mode of travel w
The table provides details about the average distance each person travelled in miles annually in England from 1985 to 2000. Overall, it can be seen that the total distance travelled per person increased significantly dur
The given chart illustrated information about transportation methods which were chosen by the humans for travelling between the given 15 years in the England.
The table provides key data about transitional of travel in UK from 1985 to 2000 for eight types: walking, bicycle, car, local bus, long distance bus, train, taxi, and other. Moreover, all the models are measured by mile
A glance at the table depicts a comparison between various transportation methods used in England and the proportion of change between two years (1985 and 2000) measured in (miles/ person).
The table showed information about travel in England and table given average distance per person between 1985 and 2000. As the data represented travel distance by car is the highest average about 3100 miles in 1985 and
The table illustrates the information on the average distance travelled in miles per person per year by the various modes of transportation from 1985 and 2000.
The table shows several pieces of information about evolutions in methods of travel in The UK in 1985 to 2000. The data is shown in the unit of miles covered per person per year, by mode of travel.
In 1985, the average person travelled 3,199 miles by car, and this rose to 4,806 miles in the year 2000. The figures for miles travelled by train, long distance bus, taxi and other modes also increased from 1985 to 2000.