IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this day and age, it is often said that money is the main reason for plenty of people to work hard. It is the opinion of this writer that they also work for promotion and gaining happiness, thus, disagreeing with this
A faction of people holds the notion that the rational behind hard work is to earn immense amount of money. I completely disagree with this view as amples of reasons are present to substantiate It. This essay will delve
These days, it is clear that money plays a crucial role in our lives. Therefore, the main reason to work hardly in a particular office or workplace is to generate much more money. I concur that they should lobby with muc
Most people work for the sake of earning more money. I firmly disagree with it. The primary motivation for a lot of individuals to put in effort is not to increase their income but to get a sense of satisfaction and impr
It's true that, many people commonly believe that, one of the keys to earning more money is working harder. In this essay I will examine why I was disagreed with giving statement.
Earning more money is one of the best motivotators to work harder in this hectic life. While I agree that it helps people meet the basic needs. I also believe that there are other crucial factors to work hard.
In today's digital world, where every step of life has big competition, everyone wants to do hard work and make a decent amount of money. According to a large number of people, men work hard to earn more cash, I complet
For most people, the main cause why they have to work tough is to acquiere more money. This essay totally agrees with this statement because working have might give the opportunity to obtain higher education, and acqui
Money is very important in our lives in the time of age, and many people work their hardest to earn as much of it as they can. I disagree that people should only work for money, I believe that working should be about som
They reason why we work hard may depend upon many factors such as gaining more knowledge through manual work, or as a personal interest in the work domain but the main intention I would say is ultimately to earn more mon
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