IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years, there has been a increase in people's interest in discovering the history of the houses or buildings they live in. Therefore, in this essay, I will present some reasons of why people are looking for the
Some people are interested in knowing about the story behind the house they live in or the building that they purchased. There could be so many reasons why they pick up various methods to investigate such issues, some do
Some people are intrested in knowing about the story behind the house they live in or the building that they purchased. There could be so many reasons why they pick up various methods to investigate on such issues, some
Nowadays, many individuals are keen to learn about the history of their residence. There are several reasons for this kind of new trend, like being inspired by the attractive design of the building or simply being curiou
Locals in certain countries are keen to discover the history of the house or building where they live. This curiosity often stems from the beauty of its architectural design or inspiration from films. There are several w
Locals in certain countries are keen to find out the history about their house or the building where they live. In my opinion, this is because they are captured by the beauty of its architectural design or being inspired
In other nations, folks are eager to discover the history of the building that they live in , from my point of view the cause is for many reasons I will explain in this essay.
While it is widely claimed that peoples in some nations interested in finding out about the history of their accommodations like house or a building, others argue that human's curiosity could potentially be the answer fo
In many nations, people are fascinated by their home history and try to find and learn more about it. This behavior can be explained because there are reasons behind it. In this essay, we will explain why people are conc
Some countries possess extensive histories that span across various continents. Recently, an increasing number of people are eager to uncover the histories behind their homes. In my perspective, there are various reasons
There are some countries which have long-term historical stories. Recently, an increasing number of people want to figure out the stories behind their residences. From my perspective, this is a controversial issue that d
Some people say that there are a rising number of people who are aware and curious about the background history of the house or building they reside in in some countries.
History always triggers human interest. The trend now has shifted toward learning more about past of the home they live in. Its reasons are difficult to identify, however, this is most likely due to the general interest
In some states, more people are interested in finding out about the past of the mansion or building they live in. In this essay, I will shed light on the reasons for this assumption and how one can examine the past of th
In many countries, there is an upward trend where people tend to pay attention to the history of their properties. Personally, it seems to me that human begins to keen on and realize the importance of history as a part o
In many countries, there is an upward trend where people are tending to pay attention of the history of their properties. Personally, it seems to me that human begin to keen on and realize the important of history as a p
Exploring the history of the house we live in is becoming a new trend now. It was started by the consumption of public media and spread by social media. Moreover, the technology development makes it possible for people t
The idea of knowing how your estate originated is becoming more fascinating. People tend to lean more into historical buildings. Many homes have deep meanings but the question is how do they can obtain such information?
Increasingly, in a select few countries, individuals are becoming fascinated in searching their home's or residential property's history, there are possibly a few reasons why people are gaining interest and curiosity abo
Citizens are becoming increasingly fascinated by the life stories of places where they reside. The reasons behind this growing trend can be explained by several factors as well as possible ways of finding the necessary d
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