IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Protecting endangered animal is a serious concern all over the world. It is argued by some social advocates that the authority is allocated a huge amount to the conservation project of wild animals, which are on the merg
Some people argue that, the government should spend money for the welfare of the wildlife, In the meantime, others argue that, government should more focus on the other problems as well. Therefore, I firmly believe that
Over the years, government of different countries is often criticized for its allocation of budget of different projects. It is frequently argued by many that spending a large amount of money on conservation of wildlife
There is no doubt that saving wildlife is necessary for maintaining a balance on earth. However, I believe the government is spending too much of the tax payer's money on wildlife, that could have been utilized on more i
At present governments spend lots of money for saving wildlife all around the world on the other hand, there is lots important project that also need to be done. I think it has some positive impact on the world but it ha
It is considered that the government is paying out a lot of money in order to defend fauna, however, it is significant to solve other problems. I completely disagree with this opinion and think that the government should
It is widely believed that the greater portion of nations investments is being done for the preservations of living creatures and plants, while there are other essential issues that should be considered as pivotal by the
It is widely beleved that these days wildlife is said to be the main concern of the countries throughout the globe and seen as a main field which is taking most of governments' investments. This essay totally disagrees w
Some people assumed that the bureaucrats should give more priority to save wildlife and urge to spend more money on their management while others think there are other more crucial thing which need to bestow more value
Governments do often design different projects to help the wildlife, but certainly there are more issues which require serious attention as well. There is no doubt in the fact that endangered animal need to be protected
It is believed that budget utilization by countries is more drawn up to wildlife protection, however, there are more significant issues may be faced up to the government. I do really agree with this statement, while wild
Many argue that governments allocate more budget for the protection of wildlife compared to the other relatively important issues. I strongly disagree with this, as the efforts of the government to prioritize problems su
Budget utilization by countries requires careful decisions. Although it is commonly stated that states utilized behemoth lot of wage to ensure the safety of wildlife other sectors are more crucial to look after. I partia
It is argued that governments allocate so much funds to wildlife preservation,while there are other more imperative issues to handle.this essay agrees with the statement because problems like global warming and improving
Wildlife needs to be preserved as humans are dependent on it. Some believe that the administration should spend the good amount of funds on it. However, this should not mean that other essential issues such as global wa
There is no doubt that wildlife is an essential part of our ecosystem on which we are all dependent and play a vital part in our lives. While some people believe that it needs better protection for funding and prior atte
There is no doubt that wildlife is an essential part of our ecosystem on which we are all dependent and play a vital part in our lives. While some people believe that wildlife protection needs better funding and prior at
There is no doubt that wildlife is an essential part of our ecosystem on which we are all dependent and play a vital part in our life. While some people believe that wildlife protection needs good funding and prior atten
There is no doubt that wildlife is a necessary part of human life on which we all are dependent. While some people believe that wildlife protection needs good amount of funding and prior attention of the governments, bu
Increasing population feels that animals are used by humans for multiple purpose and that it should be stopped. On the other hand, several people also believe that animals are required for various human needs including n
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