IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, due to rapid increase in global population, the forests are being destroyed and as a result of which wildlife is suffering. There are many species of wild animals which are already extinct and some are on the e
It is often believed that rather than investing money on more pressing issues the government spends too much on the projects to protect wildlife. However, based on the advantages that they provide to our eco-system I str
Wildlife deterioration is one of the government concerns, the government has invested a large amount of money into it to maintain and protect. While some people are arguing that there a lot more vital projects and essent
People believe that the state authority invest excessive funds on projects to preserve wild animals, while there are other more pressing issues. I agree that this is true. I will discuss two major reasons why I think tha
It is commonly believed that people with higher qualification contributes more in the development of the economy then the other skilled acquired through experiences. However, I believe that both the level of expertise pl
It is often argued that government dedicated constant attention to various programs which is aimed at the preservation and development of Flora and fauna which leads to huge capital been spent. I completely disagree with
Governments are often found spending vastly on preserving wildlife, while there are other concerning issues that need immediate attention. I would agree with the argument that there are other critical matters to be addre
The Climate change has become one of the hottest issues in the world now and wildlife is one of the most affected out of it. Wildlife is a key component for maintaining the ecological balance of the mother nature. Infac
In the modern world, citizens argue about how to preserve nature. Some people believe that governmental funding for protecting habitats is a waste of money. They reckon to think that it is better to redirect the governme
It is sometimes argued that government investing a huge amount of money in some projects to minimize the harm of wildlife whilst there are other paramount issues to solve. I strongly disagree with this view because most
Currently, government is utilizing a lion share of budget for conservation of forest. i would like to go in hand with it. However, some people think that authority should focus more on developing education and health fac
There is no doubt that wildlife is a necessary part of human life on which we all are dependent. While some people believe that wildlife protection needs good funding and prior attention from government, but I completely
Government has a fixed budget and the allocation of the amount has to be done sensibly. Allocating large amount of money for the protection of wildlife is unnecessary overlooking the other major issues which are or much
Government has a fixed budget and the allocation of the amount has to be done sensibly. Allocating large amount of money on the protection of wildlife is unnecessary overlooking the other major issues which are or much i
Although, it is universally acknowledged that higher authorities of states reserve most part of monetary budget on rescuing undomesticated animals, whereas, it is always debatable that there are many prominent concerns t
The budget provides by governments needed to be used effectively. There are several sectors that need government's budget. However, when governments spend too much money to protect and preserve the wildlife, most people
- There is no doubt that wildlife is a necessary part of human life and some people believe that wildlife should be under the aegis of the government and needs to protect and money. On the other hand, there are some peop
Although it is sometimes mentioned that governments allocate much more funds to protect wildlife, people believe that the focus should be on other issues than saving wildlife. In my opinion, I strongly agree that governm
Some people believe that government consume a lot of money in saving wild animals through various projects. Whereas, other problems like poverty and hygiene needs a dire attention from the authority. In my opinion, I agr
Budget utilization by countries requires careful decisions. Although it is commonly stated that states utilized behemoth amount of money to ensure the safety of wildlife other sectors are more crucial to look after. I pa
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