A large number of criminals tend to commit more crimes after they had served the first punishment. In my opinion, this is mainly due to the lack of rehabilitation and difficulty finding regular employment once released.
Despite suffering the punishment, crime rates increase even more in the criminals. This essay will examine the causes of rising criminal activities, and possible solutions of this problem.
There is no doubt the fact that a dramatic rise in crime rate, especially from ex-cons throughout the last decade has become a heated topic of the whole society. The questions arise are what the main causes are and are t
It is believed that criminals commit more offences after having the first punishment. This happens due to lack of their economic stability. This problem can be curbed by providing them financial assistance and teaching t
It is observed that many offenders tend to commit more crimes after they are out from jail. Instead of learning from the mistakes and become a better human being, they commit more crimes. Because of the lazy government w
Some offenders are repeating more crimes, even though, after their foremost punishment. This essay will discuss the reasons why this is happening and put forward the plethora of solutions for this issue.
Nowadays criminality is a topic of great concern in most part of the world. A fact that is particularly important refers to individuals who tend to reoffend after leaving the prison. Many reasons contribute to increasing
There is no doubt that the rate of committing the same crime is tremendously increasing nowadays. In this essay, the two main root causes of why repeated crimes are increasing in society and some possible solutions to ad
The spate of crimes in recent times is alarming. There are a large number of first-time convicts perpetrating more crimes as they gain their freedom. While this is mainly because of the lack of rehabilitation and diffic
It is common for first-time offenders to engage in criminal activities when they return from prison. This could be because of negative socialization and collaboration with hardened criminals and difficulty in getting emp
We all have witnessed a substantial increase in the crime rates. It is argued by many that after a punishment is attained by a person for their first crime, there is a tendency that they would increase in performing more
Crime, in many countries, has gone beyond the alarming rate. Hence, it is becoming a frequent norm to come across some or the other offence. There are a lot of criminals who tend to re-offend or commit more serious felon
Over the years, it has been observed around the world that many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment and several reasons have been adduced to this development.
A large number of criminals who serve their first prison sentence, leave prison only to re-offend. This is mainly because of the lack of rehabilitation and difficulty finding regular employment once released. There are a
There is no doubt that criminals tend to commit more crimes upon serving the first punishment. This is because of the lack of rehabilitation facilities, to incorporate the individuals to lead a normal life. This essay wi
It is often to say that a large number of criminals commit either the same number of crimes or more once they have served their first sentence. This is the result of the lack of education and rehabilitation plans in jail
Crime rate is something that has been increasing constantly over the years. One of the many reasons is, more atrocities being carried out by prisoners after finishing their first punishment. I shall discuss different asp
A plethora of criminals who spent some time in jail as a kind of punishment for the first time, might commit more crimes afterwards.This due to several factors such as mixing all prisoners together and sharing some risky
Nowadays, crime rates have been increased considerably and it is the major issue that today's world face.Some people believe that many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment.This essay will discu
In recent times, the rate at which ex-prisoners are commuting crimes, has become alarming, this trend is due to several factors. Therefore, in this essay; the causes of this problem would be looked into and possible way