IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged by some people that children's spare time activities should be managed by adults, while others argue that they need to have the freedom to choose themselves what to do. In my o
Several psychologists have been studying human behaviour, in specific the children behave. They are researching how important is, for a child, to do chores or tasks at home. Some of these researches conclude that child
It is often argued that leisure activities for offspring should be organized by parents. While others suggest that children should have authority to decide their free-time activities, I believe that although children sho
Since the world has progressed a lot due to technology and modernisation, everything has become more organized and planned. Due to the extensive knowledge present on the internet on parenthood, many people believe that i
These days the length of life is becoming longer in many nations of the world. This process has both pros and cons that should be considered and discussed. In this essay, these two sides will be taken into account and ex
Giving specifice tasks for children at home is a normal rootin for many parents. they usually give some chores to their children and ask them to do something at home when they have free time. personally, i think that it
It is often argued that a lot of parents ask their children to get involved in household work. In my opinion it is a positive and a brilliant idea as it will make children more independent and confident.
This issue is problem-oriented. I believe that children have to do some household work but it should be done in their spare time but some parents provoke their offspring for a daily task which put a negative impact on t
It is often argued issue whether children should do any house work at home or not. I think the kids should be done their house chores or any task because this can lead to bring a lot of responsibilities in future. It is
Some parents argue that children should do chores while others think that children disagree with this point counting that kid should enjoy the childhood. I believe that giving children tasks to do at home has advantageou
Several psychologist have been studying the human behavior, in specific the children behave. They are researching how important is, for a child, make chores or tasks at home. Some of these researches conclude that, child
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