Machines have replaced domestic manufacturing. Several items that were previously handmade are recently done by machines . In my opinion, I think the value of machines can bring about more advantages in manufacturing com
Machines have replaced domestic manufacturing . Several items that were previously handmade are recently done by machines . In my opinion, I think the use of machines can bring about more advantages in manufacturing comp
Nowadays, thanks to the advance of technology, most housework is being done by machines. Personally, I believe that this trend benefits more than does harm.
Nowadays, Technology has advanced than ancient times. In older era, almost all things are made by people, but now every product is made by electronic machines. Some people think that is a debatable issue due to it has so
There is no doubt that, the trend of technological innovation is rising exponentially. In that process, all the Multinational Companies are striving to introduce machines that can be in our day to day activities thereby
Nowadays, machines are being used to do most of our chores at home; on the contrary to the past, whereby everything was done manually. Whether this development bears more merits or demerits is debatable, as we will discu
Nowadays, technology is our unconditional partner for many daily tasks. Whether the development of home machines brigs more advantages or disadvantages is a discussion that sparked controversy. In my opinion, there are m
In this modern era, technologies are growing rapidly. It is indispensable for our day to day life.previous, the things that done by hands are recently changed by devices.The usage of new technological devices has both me
Many of the machinery are utilized for household work rather than doing it by hands. It is true that, due to the enhancement in technology many electronic gadgets are available in the market for the purpose of house work
In the current decade, the automation has entered our houses and the manual work is taking a toll. Machines bring accuracy and save time in our day to day tasks, however, they lack in self adjustments and emotions. Furth
Nowadays, a plethora of works in the home is doing by machines rather than doing manually in the past. This essay will discuss, why, it is a positive development.
Humans invented machines to accomplish any work quickly; as a result, the tasks at home which were done manually earlier are now being done by machines. In this essay, I am going to shed some light on the pros and cons o
Many house chores that used to be completed using the hands are now done employing the gadgets. Therefore, this essay will first discuss the pros and cons of this transforming trend and then plead my opinion in the ensui
Nowadays, thanks to the evolution of technology significant amount of things is now being done by machines. Nonetheless, comparatively not long ago most of the things were done at home by hand. Both categories have their
In the past ,people used to do daily activities on their own, as the time changed the way of living also changed, now a days we are using electronic equipments like washing machine, hand-held mixer, vacuum cleaner e.t.c.
Now a days most of the people are performing tasks with the help of machines however, they previously used to them manually.The drawbacks of this mechanical lifestyle are eclipsed by its numerous advantages. This essay
Things which were previously done manually are now being performed mechanically. The drawbacks of this mechanical life style are eclipsed by its numerous advantages. This essay will discuss how the positives like time
Technology is flourishing by leaps and bounds and providing us new avenues for accomplishing our tasks with effectiveness. Several household chores which used to be manually executed are now automated. In my opinion, I b
Mankind has outpaced technological advancement more than its expectations. In the present scenario, if any work needs to be done then, the equipment is given more preference. Whilst, same household chores were done by fa