IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People wonder whether it is good or bad if young people spend their free time in the shopping malls. In this essay, I will argue that this does not have negative impacts on the youths and society.
In the era of technology, bricks and mortar stores are opened in every city. Many youngesters spend their leisure time for buying goods and services. It is believed that it leads to some adverse factors both for generati
People concern regarding most children using their leissure time in malls is increasingly topical since some people argue that this action has negative impacts on kids’ lives and society. In respond to this aforementione
It is true to say that nowadays, the younger segment of the populace spends a considerable amount of their free time visiting shopping centers. While it might be contended that this trend brings about some repercussions
In this era, the majority of youngsters prefer to be at shopping malls in their leisure time, consequently, it has an adverse impact on the young generation and community. I completely agree with the statement and the sa
Most of the younger generation like spending their free time in shopping malls. I personally believe that is harmful to do so. In this essay, the topic will be elaborated a particular opinion will be provided.
It is argued these days a lot of teenagers going to shopping plaza in their spare day have a bad influence on teens and the public. I agreed that spending hour on shopping has a bad shock on adolescents and the public.
Most of the younger generation these days, are seen to be spending more time in malls and shopping centres. Does this benefit youngsters, and the public at large? Undoubtedly, I personally believe that it is harmful to d
At present, spending time in shopping malls for leisure has become a trend among adults. Many people argue that this is not healthy, because of the negative consequences. I totally agree with the statement.
It is often argued that spending leisure in shopping mall these days has a dreadful impact on young people and the community. In my opinion, I would completely agree with this statement because this habit consumes immens
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