IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this modern era of nonstop scientific and technological advancement, artists still command profound respect from people worldwide. There are a number of things about life that the arts can teach us that science and te
In the world where scientific and technological advances dominate, people working in the field of arts such as musicians, painters and writers still gain a great deal of attention. This is because arts can teach us cert
In the world where scientific and technological advances dominate, people working in the field of arts such as musicians, painters and writers still gain a great deal of attention. This is because arts can teach us cert
In the world where scientific and technological advances dominate, people working in the field of arts such as musicians, painters and writers still gain a great deal of attention. This is because arts can teach us cert
Despite the drastic advancement of technology and science, it is undeniable that artistic experts still play an essential role in the modern era. It can be seen that there would be no possibility for the benefits of scie
As we move into 21 century that is an era of scientific and technological advancement, however, other field of art such as musicians, painters and writers still gain a significant attention in society. There are a number
It is true that the benefits of scientific and technological development are currently deniable. Despite this, artists such as musicians, painters and writers still gain a great deal of attention. This is because there a
As scientific and technological leaps are thriving in the modern society, people’s appreciation for those who practice in artistic field is still incredibly admirable. While there is no denying the priceless value that t
Today's world is of science and technology and in this fast pace world we still value our tradition and culture. Undoubtedly the place of artists such as musicians, painters and writers are vital in our society. The foll
It is true that artists such as musicians, painters and writers have still gained a great deal of respect from their audiences and readers in spite of the dominance of advanced science and technology. Personally, I think
It is undeniable that technological and scientific developments have tremendously benefited people’s life in various ways. However, arts still wins the credit of filling us with insights and values that science has fai
Various technological and scientific developments have tremendously enhanced our lifestyle and the way this is expanding, we are expected to have a far better lifestyle in the future than the current era. We have already
It is undeniable that technological and scientific developments have tremendously benefited people’s life in various ways. However, the arts still win the credit by filling us with insights and values that science has fa
In this modern era of nonstop scientific and technological advancement, artists still command profound respect from people all over the world. There are a number of things about life that the arts can teach us whilst sci
Today, in this epoch of modernization where scientific and technological advancement is progressing in leaps and bounds, connoisseurs of the performing arts have retained their due respect all across the globe.The arts i
In this epoch of modernization, scientific and technological advancement is progressing through leaps and bounds and is enabling people in living a sophisticated life. However, the importance of art forms cannot be unde
In the contemporary world, people are busy with fighting their own battles to pursue a better quality of life. Even though, advancements in technology and science is helping to make these persuasions a reality to a great
In this modern era of continual development in science and technology, the artists are still getting admiration from people the world over. This is because art plays a significant role in the lives of people who are unab
It is undeniable that technological and scientific developments have tremendously benefited people’s life in various ways. However, arts still wins the credit of filling us with insights and values that science has faile
In this modern era of continual scientific and technological advancement, artists are still gaining a lot of respect from people the world over. There are a number of things about life that the arts can teach us that sci
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