IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A boy/girl normally gets an idea of what to do in the future, in high school only. Based on which he decides the bachelor course to be studied. The interest varies from person to person. Some have inbuilt interest in
Nowadays, preparing children for their social responsibility is a crucial part of both school and parents. For achieving this goal, we should try to encourage high school students to take part in voluntary jobs in differ
Although, some human being's perspective towards the school authorities that they should teach descendants of the charity, teaching sports and many more. I agree with the statement to a large extent for some reasons. My
It is sometimes argued that high school students should be made to do some work in their local communities. While I disagree with the idea of making such programmes compulsory, I do believe that voluntary community servi
Nowadays, an increasing number of people opine that it is necessary to integrate unpaid community service into high school curriculum. This idea is practical to some extent, as will be discussed as follows.
In this day and age, young generation is the base of any nation as an effect they have an important role in the civilization, so for their self building, individuals said that some charity task to be included in their h
In this day and age, young generation is the base of any nation as an effect they having an important role in society, so for their self building individuals said that some chairty work include in high school programmes
Many people thought that charity service should be mandatory in higer education programs due to students can learn new things in life. I have completly agree with statement why unpaid work is part of high school program
It is often a point of discussion that whether children should be alloted duties to charitable activities in their schooling. I strongly believe that charitable activities are the need the hour and in this essay I am g
Some of are the opinion that high school students should have free community services as a mandatory program in their curriculum. In my opinion, community services play a very important part in the development of the chi
While some people think that unsalaried work should be taken as an obligation for high school students, I completely agree with the fact that they are free to choose how they want to spend time out of classes.
Recently, charity work has been greately debated. It is proposed by some that the charitable services should be an integral part of secondary education. I do agree with the recommended idea and i think they could be bene
It is believed by certain group of individuals that children ought to be busy at all times, thus, free community services should be in ulcated in the secondary school time tables. In my opinion, voluntary environmental s
Volunteer service rendition in communities has recently been debated. While certain groups for individual are of the view that school children should be involve in village voluntary services. However, I disagree with thi
It is believed by a few individuals that secondary school programs should include volunteer services as a mandatory part. I profoundly agree with this notion because it inspires children to comprehend social responsibili
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