Few people burn a hole in their pockets by purchasing items that are useless and expensive. Obsession to buy things is majorly due to an easy access to credit cards and pre-approved bank loans. To curb the unwanted usage
Few people burn a hole in their pockets by purchasing items that are useless and unaffordable. Obsession to buy things is majorly due to an easy access to credit cards and pre-approved bank loans. To curb the unwanted us
Nowadays, society is more consumerism-orientated than in the past. Strong advertising strategies and lack of education, especially financial education, are two of the main reasons why people buy more than they can afford
It is universal among humans to have the desire to possess expensive items. Some people who do not have any restraint when it comes to shopping often face serious economic / financial consequences. Such behaviour can be
It is a fact that people are becoming more consumptive and materialistic these days, as many of them purchase luxurious goods or things that they do not really need and debts are common among such people. There are vario
It is widely argued that purchasing things which are unnecessary or unaffordable can cause people to be in deeply debt. Although there are several factors that may directly lead to such issue, numerous solutions have bee
Nowadays, as the economy is growing at such a rapid rate, people’s income is increasing like never before, leading people to consume more goods than ever. However, some have spent way more than they could ever make, crea
Buying unnecessary and unaffordable objects can put some people in debt. The explanation for this action derives from the fact that people see it as an acceptance into the social club they aspire to be a part of. To curb
Youngsters today, ought to bug exorbitantly expensive stuff which, in most of the scenarios, is not a necessity for them or they cannot justify their purchase. This is due to peer pressure and it can be prevented if pare
Some individuals purchase expensive products that are not necessary, which leads them into financial troubles. The reasons for this are excessive advertisement from the companies and people maintaining their social statu
Some individuals purchase expensive products that are not necessary, which leads them into financial troubles. The reasons for this are excessive advertisement by the companies and people maintaining their social status.
There are those who are indebted for purchase of unnecessary and non affordable goods. This is caused by lack of planning and having a well planned budget can be a preventive measure.
Nowadays people are choosing to their desires and usually they are being competitive and jealous of whom is better than them in life. They often miss out what they actually need, but just focus on what they have to compa
Nowadays, people tend to buy a lot of things that they wouldn't need and end up owing huge amounts of money. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons for the same and the preventable actions that needs to be taken to so
Some people tend to purchase expensive products even though they do not need them and land themselves in the debt trap. Commercial advertising, consumerism, and an increase in the usage of credit card are some of the rea
Attractive adverticement makes people buy unwanted things and unneccessary products. Most of the individuals get traped into detps, this is totally depends on person to person and it is countless, the covert, exassive de
It is now a known fact that buying things is the new addiction of our century. Some people, in fact, take tons of credits from the bank to buy anything they want, whether it's a need or not, until they find themselves in
People are purchasing things that they do not need and to purchase them they have to take loan. It is because taking loans from financial companies has become relatively from the past, the most viable solution is this th
Many people have a tendency to buy those things which are not required or not that useful. This habit leads a person to take lots of loans from banks or from near and dear ones, because of which they get into debt and ar