IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Globally, some humans want to graft on a private company, while others willingly to work on bigger companies.Therefore, I am going to explain both urges of benefits and drawbacks of people who works at a large organizati
In contemporary society, some individuals prefer to work in small companies, whereas many prefer to work for well-established businesses or government organisations. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will expound merits and
Many people can be satisfied with a job in a small firm, whereas, some others desire to be employed by big cooperations. Indeed, working in a large organization is really financially advantageous, these jobs also put mor
In terms of whether working for a successful business provides more benefits than working for a developing company, I believe each option has advantages and disadvantages.
These day jobs are crucial for individuals. Some prefer to operate as minor entrepreneurs, while others enjoyed working in large enterprises. this essay will discuss both sides of these businesses.
Presently, a sizable group believes that a lot of individuals want to toil in tiny companies while others want to have a workplace in an immense corporation. In this essay, I will weigh up the benefits and drawbacks for
Over time, job choice has been based on individual preference as most persons prefer being employed by large institutions, while others will choose to work for minute organizations. In this essay, I will be looking at th
Overtime, job choice has been based on individual preference as most persons prefer being employed by large institutions, while others will choose to work for minute organizations. In this essay, I will be looking at the
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