IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Story telling to children is a usual way to family, however, in this era, some discussion said TV or internet can replace parents on the thing. In this essay I will talk about each side of view and my thought.
Nowadays, many people argue that parents should read and tell stories to their kids. Still, others believe that children no longer need these activities cause of many ways like books or the internet which provide them wi
It is commonly believed that families support their kids to study only, thus most of those children do not get their first job until they get graduated from university. On the other hand, in other contries many teenagers
Nowadays there is a growing concern over the age of starting a job. Having temporary work besides studying during teen ages is being viewed as a norm in some cultures, while it is not acceptable for others. Although I h
There is no doubt that education is the most crucial thing for people. In fact, all of our life depends on our educational background as well. In some countries, many individuals believe that students must only focus on
Although today’s younger generation is altering their living style by opting job at a young age. In many nations, parents’ emphasize on children to excel in their field, to secure their future. While in many countries, m
Although today’s younger generation is altering their living style by opting job at a young age. In many nations, parents' emphasis on children to excel in their field, to secure their future. While in many countries, ma
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