IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays children needs multi-talent then only they can survive this competitive world. Most of the schools are teaching to their students some additional class like music during their leisure period. Some people are arg
The debate over whether music classes should be prioritized in school curricula or be replaced by more utilitarian subjects like science and computer studies is a contentious one. While I understand the importance of equ
Some people argue that it is vital to invest in the education of young students to acquire useful subjects like science and computer rather than devoting time and money to music courses . I completely agree that children
Schools as well as parents are trying to provide a wide range of experiences for pupils and their children. Nowadays, our society demands children to learn so-called useful subjects only for example science and computer
In our daily life, every subject offers the same advantage not only for children but also adults. It depends on personal interest to study for a career in the future. Some people believe that we should spend time and mon
Everything has two sides and subjects at school are not an exception. In the past , a numerous number of people believe that music classes in schools are very crucial but today many opponents think that students should
Recently, there has been turmoil about imperative subjects that should be taught at schools. Divisions of pedagogical communities discern artistic school curricula as trivial subjects that deplete efforts and expenses, w
School is the place where a child will learn various skills that help survive. It is the place that comprises various learning opportunities such as arts and science skills. This essay disagrees with the argument that ch
School is the place where a child will learn various skills that help survive. It is the place that comprises various learning opportunities such as arts and science skills. This essay disagrees with the argument that c
School is the place where a child could learn various skill that helps for the survival. It is the place that comprises of various learning opportunities in arts and science skills. This essay disagrees to the argument t
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