IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Creative art is an controversial issue in modernized era; however, some masses argue that authority should aid artist such as painters and musicians financially while others believe it ought be aid in other ways. This es
Although Proficient creators like musicians and painters are the assets of our society, whether they should be given sufficient fiscal support by their own authorities has triggered spirited debates. Some assert that the
More and more artists are naturally born since the dawn of time. As a result, it has been the subject of discussion on whether the state or a non-government institution should support them financially. These points of vi
People have different views about the funding of creative artists. While some people disagree with the idea of government support for artists, I believe that money for art projects should come from both governments and o
Allocating government funds to support the painters and musicians is debatable. Some people claim these creative artists must be funded by alternative organisations. However, I disagree with this statement, because artis
Introduction: It is said that governments should provide support in term of money to artists such as painters and musicians, however, many believe that the support should come from other sources. This essay will discuss
It is true that people have various different views about the funding for creative artists. While some people deny with the idea of government support for artists, personally, I completely agree that money for art projec
Although most people believe that it is the government’s duty to take care of the environment, others think that every human being must be responsible for it. This essay will discuss both of views and give my opinion.
Nowadays for many contemporary artists selling their artwork is the only way of generating revenue. Although lots of reputed artists attain a great deal of money in exchange of what they create, others hardly earn a suff
Many people suppose that the government should spend expenditure on talented artists, while others believe that they should be supported financially by substitutable funding. In my opinion, gifted ones should be funded b
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