IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people suppose that renewing driving license every 5 years is necessary to those drivers. The following paragraph will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this policy.
In today's world, driving cars has become a popular and common way of transportation because of their convenience and time-saving benefits. Some individuals argue that it should be an obligation to refresh their driver's
A section of society is of the opinion that it must be obligatory for individuals to redo their driving examination every 5 years.The two merits of this trend are to prevent casualties and revenue for the government wher
Nowadays, the number of cars driving on the roadway has increased drastically and reckless car driving is one of the major factors causing road accidents these days. It is no argument about the benefits of car and the
A few people think that driving tests should be repeatedly done after every five years. They demand it as a mandatory procedure. In subsequent ,paragraphs we will discuss, the pros and cons of this individually.
Human beings have started irrationally driving vehicles. Therefore, it is often believed by humankind that a Driving exam should be mandatorily conducted after each 5years of the gap. This essay will represent the Benefi
The vehicle consumption of the world has increased over the past few years and as a result an increased trend could be indicated in number of road accidents. Some suggests that as a strategy, the driving test needs to be
Nowadays, the number of accident is increased day by day. The license is retaken by people every 5 years. It would be reduced the accident. Furthermore, this will bring a lot of advantages as well as few disadvantages.
There is a popular view that it should be mandatory for people to retake their driving test every 5 years. This essay will further discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this perspective.I believe the merits outweigh the
It’s common today creasing number of people who aren’t sure that is it compulsory for them to resolve their driving licence each 5 years or not yet. This essay will discuss both sides of this problem and also supports ad
These days, increasing people have become worried about the mandatory driving test that needs to be taken every 5 years for all people. It has some benefits as well as drawbacks which will be discussed in the following p
Number of accidents stem from reckless drivers and traffic congestion. That is why, there are some believes that every 5 years certificated driving should be altered and reexamined. However, I definitely agree with this
The growing number of vehicles and reckless driving are the major causes of increasing road accidents these days. Therefore some people believe that retaking driving test after every 5 year should become mandatory so tha
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