IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Students have now been more and more multiskilled now. There is a genuine need for art subjects and it is important for the diversified growth of students. School going pupil need to explore every aspect of their lives t
Many people believe that for students learning art in school will enhance their performance as well as improving their learning skill in different areas of subject. Therefore, art should be made as mandatory class in s
A creative mind is a blessing for society and learning art will enhance a student’s overall performance. because of its benefits, intellects emphasize that it should be made mandatory in schools. I agree with the notion
Art is a prominent part of school year activities. It is well known that indulging students in different art forms, makes them learn a new skill. Making art subjects compulsory for school students has its pros and cons b
Some people are of the opinion that the introduction of art subjects as a compulsory course in educational institutions should be considered. Owing to their benefits in enhancing learners’ achievement and promoting a bet
Some people believe that studying arts should be made compulsory in schools because it would improve the overall performance of the students and being multi-skilled, they can easily learn new things. However, I do not ag
The question whether art education is necessary for children at school has drawn much attention from the public. Exposing students' art lessons may lead to the formation of high self-esteem as well as can help to learn l
The question whether art education is necessary for children at school has drawn much attention from the public. Exposing students art lesson may lead to formation of high self-esteem as well as can help to learn languag
Some people believed art subject should be compulsory as it helps to enhance student performance in other subjects by developing interpersonal and well as cognitive skill while others are opposed against this. However, i
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