The graph gives information about the quantity of various types of transportation which were registered for use in the EU between 1996 and 2006. Units are measured in millions and five categories of vehicles are reported
The given linear graph depicts the urban, rural and total population trends in a period from 1950 to 2040 years and the trends in age dynamic during this span of time.
The bar graph compares four different shifting modes of,which familier with young community in the United Kindom,the America,France and Italy in particular year.
The bar chart illustrates the number of applicants from four different countries to the universities between 2004 and 2008. At first sight, we can divide the four nations into two groups: the first group contains China a
The bar chart illustrates the percentages of household waste recycled from 1992 to 2002. At first sight, we can divide household wastes into two groups: the first group contains Paper and Glass with the largest percenta
The bar charts illustrate the percentages of films released and tickets sold in 1996 and 2006. At first sight, we can divide the four types of films into two groups: the first group contains drama and comedy, with a sign
The given bar charts illustrate the number of marriages and divorces in America during the period of 30 years and the marital status of elderly citizens in 1970 and 2000. Overall, it is clear from the figure that, in 19
The pie charts illustrate the changes in social media platform preferences of global internet users in 2011-2013. There are five applications that are compared in the given figure, namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Go
The graph above illustrates the annual number of films that were sold or rented between 2002 and 2011 in an unnamed store. The charts show the information of rental films, VHS, DVD and Blu-ray sales.
The diagram above illustrates the process of making ethanol out of corn. As can be seen, it contains some complex and time-consuming steps to produce the ethanol.
The data represents the places where dance classes are held and different kind of class categories, the younger generation of a township in Australia are participating nowadays.
The maps illustrate changes in the museum between 1998 and 2008. Overall ,although rooms changed their places, it is clear that it become a more comfortable and developed place to visit.