IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The given chart illustrates the sum of gents and laddies taking part in 6 science related classes in the Uk for the year 2009. Overal, in every category except of veterinay medicine, other classes had more men than women
The bar chart illustrates the numbers of men and women research students learning six science-related subjects in the UK university in 2009. Overall, men have a more high interest than women in science-related subjects e
The given line chart illustrates the number of overseas students coming from 4 different parts of the world learning in a UK university from 1995 to 2015 .
The given bar chart illustrates how many students were doing research courses in the UK during 2009, broken down by gender.
The bar chart shows the gender distribution of students doing scientific research across a range of disciplines at a UK university in 2009. In five of the six disciplines, males outnumbered females. Male students made up
The bar chat illustrates the ratio of men and women educating in six different field of science in one of the UK universities in the year 2009.
The bar chart illustrates the information of both gender students studies in six difference sciences courses at the United Kingdom in 2019.
The bar chart in 2005 shows the number of students who chose certain university subjects. The number are different in every subject between males and females. In this bar chart the highest number of males just over 20 th
The chart illustrates the registration of foreign students for the mid-year Graphic Design Programme in a College in South England. The subjects included in this course are CAD core and Photography core respectively. Als
The line chart illustrates the reported amount of abroad students entering the second-year graphic design course at one of the colleges in the south of England. The bar chart describes the number of enrolled students fro
The bar chart illustrates number of foreign students from five destinations who applied for Graphic Design course in the South of England for the second year.
There are three pie charts which illustrate how many hours in a British unuversity library by undergraduates, postgraduates, and amonut of all students.
The bar chart vividly depicts the number of male and female students enrolled in two various country graphic design courses at colleges in South of England from France, Sweden, Germany, Spain and Syria.
The bar char illustrates information about comparison of genders in 6 science subjects at a UK university in 2009
The line graph illustrates the total figure of students who are studying a business course at a British university from 1991 to 2011 , and the pie charts display the proportion broken down by countries. Overall, it is ev
The line graph illustrates the total figure of students who are studying a business course at a British university from 1991 to 2011 , and the pie charts display the proportion broken down by country. Overall, it is evid
The figures give information about the number of university students in a certain country and the amount of the government's spending on per student from 1984 until 2009. Overall, it can be seen that the number of studen
The given charts illustrate the quantity of students at university in a particular country and the government's spending on per student between 1984 and 2009.
The bar chart depicts information about the students divided into genders and learning science subjects such as physics, astronomy, geology, biology, medicine and veterinary medicine at UK university in 2009.
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