The chart below shows informations about male and females selecting different subjects of class such as social sciences, enguneering,health,humanities,science and math, last but not lest agriculture,in a university in 20
The illustration describes the number of students selecting different kinds of courses in a university in 2012. Overall, the majority of enrollees both male and female have choosen Social Sciences as their course. Meanwh
The graph illustrates the subject chosen by unversity students in 2021. The bar shows the result depends on the gender, men and women. And the line graph represent the total preperation.
The diagram displays the number of international students from four different continents (Asia, Africa, Europe and North America) at a university in the UK during a time period of 20 years, between 1995 and 2015. While A
The given chart illustrates the number of international students from 4 continents (Asia, Africa, Europe, North America) who attended a UK university from 1995 to 2015. Overall, students came from Asian countries had a s
The provided chart compares the number of UK students, divided by gender, who conduct research in 6 different scientific topics in 2009. Overall, biology was the most popular discipline out of the other categories and ve
The graph demonstrates the quantity of pupils based on gender who are doing scientific research on different subjects at a UK university in the year 2009.
The line chart and bar chart illustrate the number of a university’s enrollers in six separate subjects with further breakdown into two genders in 2012.
The given line diagram delineates the total number of undergraduates taking different courses in a particular university while the bar graph reveals the gender preference of given choices in 2012.
The given chart illustrates the sum of gents and laddies taking part in 6 science related classes in the Uk for the year 2009. Overal, in every category except of veterinay medicine, other classes had more men than women
The bar chart illustrates the numbers of men and women research students learning six science-related subjects in the UK university in 2009. Overall, men have a more high interest than women in science-related subjects e