IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is said that people emphasise too much culture for the young, while others hold the opposite view that leisure enterprise for the young people should be spent on indeed. This author agrees with the perspective of emp
Education play a vital role for the development of young individuals. Therefore, there is much emphasis given for educating the young than ever before, while some leisure activities should be considered by the government
In this contemporary era, children are busy with their studies as many subjects has been added in their academic studies which is a topic of concern. I agree with the notion that extra curricular activities should be add
Currently, so many people emphasize on studying of the children. Although some people believe that the state should spend little money on leisure activities, I strongly believe that more cash must be spent on leisure act
Nowadays, countries spend their main budget to create educational and physical activities for the young generation. I agree that more government money should be spent on the free time activities of young people.
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