IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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When it comes to endangered animal protection, some people claim that only endangered species which can provide various benefits are supposed to be protected. I oppose this view and believe that all endangered creatures
Fuel is one of the necessities of life in the contemporary world. With so much dependency on transport and electronic items, it has gained popularity that is irreplaceable. However, there is a large debate on the kind o
Travelling by aeroplane has become so modern that there are millions of flights daily. Views have been divided between the reduction of air travel to protect the environment and to keep the rate of flights going. I agree
Various new types of energy sources are introduced to the public, including solar power; nuclear power; and hydroelectricity, intending to reduce the negative effects on the environment derived from traditional power sou
No matter what anyone says, the extensive role of energy sources like coal and petroleum in building today's society can never be ignored. But, with the advancement in technology, scientists are putting forward the ill e
Few individuals advocate that the modifications of the existing power generation energy are necessary in order to avoid pollution, whereas others want to continue the same procedures, as they are very cost-effective. I c
While most countries around the world nowadays chose coal and oil as main sources of energy, some people claimed that we should use green energy in order to alleviate the environmental problems. The following paragraphs
Indeed, it is fundamental to keep the environment safe for the future generations. So, in order to safeguard the nature, some people argue that one should curtail travelling by air because it is degrading the surrounding
There has been considerable debate on the environmental impact of aviation. It is sometimes suggested that air travel should be reduced in order to protect the environment. In my opinion, despite some advantages it bring
Many people have been increasingly concerned about the harmful effects of the increasing volume air transport. I strongly agree that we should reduce air travel in order to safeguard the environment.
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