Last week you were on a flight to London. Unfortunately, when you got off the plane, you left a bag there. You did not remember about the bag until you got to your hotel. Write a letter to the airline. In your letter explain what has happened describe the bag and its contents say what you would like them to do about this problem You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir or Madam,

Dear manager, I am
Correct your spelling
. I travelled on one of the flights AC-417 from your airline from New Delhi to London on 14 February 2020. My booking reference is AB123456CA. I am writing
to inform you about the
that I forgot in the Aeroplan.
of all, while, I boarded the flight from New Delhi. I was assigned seat 32 F in premium economy class. During the flight, I was carrying a black colour leather suitcase, which I put in the cabin just above my seat. After landing at the London airport, I forgot to take my suitcase from the cabinet. I was going to attend a conference on behalf of my company.
, my
has a lot of confidential stuff in it.
, it is secured by a digital lock. I tried to contact the lost and found department of the airlines, but no one answered the phone call. I request you to please check with your airline about my luggage. My
has a tag pasted on it which includes my name and address of the destination city which will help you to identify my bag. If they found my
, I request you to inform me on 9024129498, and
, I request you to send that suitcase to me by courier at the address mentioned on the tag or give that backpack to the lost and found department of the London airport. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully,
Correct your spelling

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Airliner, oversight, misplaced, personal belongings, valuable items, sentimental significance, luggage retrieval, lost and found, passenger service, tracking, compensate, verification of ownership, promptly, inconvenience, coordinate, verify, transparent communication
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