It is an irrefutable fact that salary is one of the most important motivations to perform well in the workplace.
, a segment of society believes that all Linking Words
in the company should get the same wage. I personally do not agree with Use synonyms
notion, because I believe that earnings should be based on performance. The following paragraphs will highlight my opinion along with relevant examples.
Linking Words
and foremost, Linking Words
should get salaries commensurate to their qualifications and experience. It would be wrong to expect seniors to accept the same wage as juniors as with years of experience Use synonyms
develop as professionals, become more productive and Use synonyms
, generate more value. Take, Linking Words
for example
, software engineers. Junior developers do not have real-life experience; Linking Words
, need much more time to successfully complete tasks compared to senior developers.
Another reason is motivation. A higher wage is the most powerful motivation for everyone to perform better and work harder. Some people spend more years, and funds in order to get their qualifications driven by the goal of earning more money. If companies start paying the same paycheque, in the long run, individuals will lose their motivation to be better qualified and to work harder. Linking Words
, workers will not want to take positions that require more effort and responsibility. Linking Words
For example
, nearly nobody wants to risk their lives saving others while being paid the same as someone who does an office job.
To conclude, salary can incite individuals to rise through the ranks and work hard ensuring a better life. Linking Words
, am convinced that Linking Words
should be paid based on the value they generate.Use synonyms