The charts below show the percentage of their food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years. The graph shows the number of meals eaten in fast food restaurants and sit-down restaurants. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The charts below show the percentage of their food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years. The graph shows the number of meals eaten in fast food restaurants and sit-down restaurants. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The several charts illustrate the proportion of consumption expenses including home cooking and family spent in means on particular restaurant meals throughout 40 years. The graph describes the information about consuming dinners or breakfasts at fast meal restaurants and sit-down shops.
, it can be seen that residents spent a large amount of money on cooking at their houses between 1970 and 2000.
Correct article usage
the fast
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food industry reached at
Correct article usage
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highest in 2000, the lowest points
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both sit-down restaurant meals and fast food brunches were presented in the commencing period. Looking at the percentage of money spent on home cooking, it decreased moderately in each decade, with the figures being 90, 85, 65, and a half per cent, in order.
In contrast
, regarding to amount of people eating outside, from 1980 to 2000 year, there was a significant rise of 5, 20, and 15, respectively. Consuming fast meals, there was a slight rise from 20 to around 30 within a decade.
, it noticeably increased by 60 in 20 years. Moving on to the eaten brunches sitting
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Correct pronoun usage
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was a gradual rise of approximately 15 in
Correct article usage
the first
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ten years.
, it
grew gradually from roughly 35 to 50 in the final period.
Submitted by arunrak.wk on

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Vocabulary: The word "amount" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "rise" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: The word "gradual" was used 2 times.
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