IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is clear that digital technologies and computer systems exist in all areas of our lives. Some people assume that computer skill shoud be added to the main parts of education , such as reading, writing,math. It has bec
Reading, writing and maths have always been main parts of education for many years. After the creation of computers and computer technologies, some people, including me, think that computer skill should be counted as a f
Nowadays, with the advancements in the computer field, It is believed by many that computer skill is now the fourth skill after reading, writing, and mathematics. However, some people do not agree with this thought. I be
Since ancient times, the core subjects of education were considered to be reading, writing and mathematics. However, I totally agree with the argument that studying computer has become vital for today’s world.
Skills such as reading, writing and math have always been considered important. With the invention of computers, some people are of the view that computer skills should also form part of the education system. I firmly be
Education over the years has been developed and changed drastically. A plethora of subjects have been amended, or even replaced to more advance ones in order to cope with new life demands, but still reading writing and s
Education over the years has been developed and changed drastically. A plethora of subjects has been amended, or even replaced for more advance ones in order to cope with new life demands, but still reading, writing and
Education is nothing but knowledge. Gathering knowledge with learning vast variety of skills then people become more intellegent. However, since ancient period reading, writing and mathematics are only plays vital role i
For hundreds of years, the education played an important role in people’s lives. Skills like maths, reading and writing have remained and considered to be critical parts an education. Nowadays, some people believe that w
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