IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In todays' world, human beings spend more time on social media rather than with friends and family. Social networks are booming nowadays. Broadcasting the personal data on internet over various social media results to ab
Increasing influence of digital media among all the members of the society has become very common these days.Although there are certain dangers that are associated with the use of social networkings sites such as whatsap
Since the invention of social media, many people have been better able to connect with each other and also to keep up to date with the lives of their friends, families, co-workers and even celebrities, to a degree which
Observing the last decade, it can be concluded that social media became exponentially popular. Companies like Facebook and Instagram have made easier for people to connect, share experiences and make a living out of it.
The internet has revolutionized the human interaction by introducing various social websites which are becoming popular amongst all the ages, but providing the discrete personal data on these websites can have serious ra
Social media has become a trend. The popularity of social media among the population is elevating. However, posting personal informations may have some setbacks. This essay will give reasons and examples why the benefits
Since the advancement of the Internet and Social Media, many people around the globe have achieved many benefits and by using that we can easily access any information, knowledge and even we are connecting people around
Nowadays, many people believe that social media has many advantages, but some people say that social media has a lot of disadvantages, and that help criminal to do bad things. I agree that social media has advantages an
There is a constant debate among people nowadays on where do to draw the line on social media platforms. Some believe that sharing perosnal information does not pose any serious risks and has many advantages while other
Social media has become a powerful source of information and connection. The Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp have brought the world closer than ever before. As we enjoy the internet and modern technology, there are also s
It is often argued that governments should give more budget to railways than to roads. In my opinion, both railways and roads are equally important and governments should spend an equal amount of money on both types of i
Social multimedia becomes an inevitable part of our life. Doing immune to one's privacy on social network is perilous. The essay will argue the view and put forward evidences as to why disadvantages can be covered by ad
There is no denying the fact that technological development has had a negative impact on the planet. Everything from the air we breathe to the food we eat is contaminated these days due to the use and abuse of various in
The use of social media is seemingly acceptable to all generations. However, this introduces concerns over sharing personal information. While there is clearly a drawback to this, I personally believe that the benefits a
Popularity of social media has increased in recent year among all age groups, especially among teenagers. It has a lot to offer such as meeting new people, faster ways of sharing information and for entertainment purpose
Social media users are increasing all over the world, and it seems that social media users might have select to share their personal information with anonymous people, which might put them in peril.
In this present world, usage of social media is increasing every single day. Nevertheless, sharing personal information with other people on social media web sites contains some risks. Both advantages and disadvantages o
The computer program may not able to recognise regional variation of the language. Another point is that in many parts of the world computer is not so popular, similarly, those who are hugely depending on this system
Nowadays, social media increasing more important to all of the age people in the world in the 21st century by interest such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. In my opinion, the advantages of social media better more than
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