IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no doubt that many people rely more on the Internet for the latest news or trends. Although its utilization has disadvantages such as the threat to privacy, I believe they are outweighed by its advantages and I
Today, all age groups share personal data on social media each day without being aware of the potential harms. This essay will elaborate the advantages and disadvantages of the increased use of social media. In my opinio
Since the social media has been invented, it has become a major platform for communication and people can keep themselves up to date with their lives and about their families and friends lives as well. But many people be
Since the social media has been invented it become a major platform for communication and people can keep themselves up to date with their live and about their families and friends lives as well. But many people believe
These days everyone has at least one account on social media. So, some people might do not trust these websites when they are sharing some personal information because of some issues. While others do not even think about
One of the most controversial issues today relates to the popularity of social media among different ages. It is argued that it has risks about users' private data. In this essay, I am going to examine the question from
The society has dramatically changed with the evolution of the internet. Nowadays, information media have become immensely common amongst all the age groups of society. People use information media to share their stuff w
Recent advancements in technology and science are reshaping our world in an unprecedented manner. It is true that social networking sites have a profound influence on people in these days. While there are few disadvanta
Begininng of 20th century saw an overwhelming increase in social media use across the world.The people from every age groups are amongst the users of social media.However, there certain downsides to the use of social med
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It is true that social media has revolutionized the way in which people communicate with each other, and it has affected people at different ages from children to the elderly. While I accept that sharing private informat
Inspite of various risks of putting information on social media, it is very famous among all generations. I think that these communication sites provide various benefits which outweigh its drawbacks.
In recent times, social media has created a huge impact in the society and debate is still going on to decide whether this has to be seen as a positive aspect or not. Even though people are becoming closer with the help
There is no doubt that the dramatic rise in living standards throughout last decades have provided enormous benefits for our daily life, particularly type of entertainment. One of the most popular kinds of entertainment
Social media is a new craze, regardless of the age of its users. These platforms have become so popular in recent years, that it is hard to imagine life without them. However, sharing personal information on social media
Social media today play a main role in severals aspects of our life. They are used by people of different ages in different way. But sometimes they are used without any kinds of limits and this can creade serius problem
others. Moreover, recent controversial topic indicates that social media do have bad effect on people’s private lives, which I totally support in spite of its benefit to individuals.
Almost all mobile phones now have social media applications. Through the recent years social media has become very popular among all age generations and like every technilogy it has a good and a bad side though in my opi
Consumption of internet, especially, need of social media has increased exponentially for last few years. I intend that social media has brought benefits in our lives rather than disadvantages, if we use it properly.
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