IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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While education importance is increasingly popular, they continue to be rather controversial because the benefits are hard to quantify exactly. There are arguments on both sides of this topical debate, and I will discuss
Most of the people agree that students live in campus during the term but, caused of several reasons other people are disagrees. This essay will discuss about reasons of why people agree, and disagree with this topic.
While some individuals believe that the schools with the dormitory would be a better selection for children, others disagree with this view. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will discuss both sides and explain which is a
Whereas some people believe that the boarding school gives outstanding advantages for youngsters, others disagree with the notion. This essay will discuss both sides of the arguments and reach a concluding view.
Whereas some people believe that the boarding school gives outstanding advantages for youngsters, others disagree with the notion. This essay will discuss both sides of the arguments and reach a concluding view. On th
Several people think that boarding schools are a brilliant choice for students, although many others disagree. Those who oppose it, think that a dorm is not a suitable place to stay and learn. This essay will express t
For many people, boarding schools have become increasingly popular these days; inasmuch, students stay during the term. However, some pupils and their parents do not support this idea. This essay will now examine both si
Providing transport facilities at home for students during the course duration is a convenient option.Few individuals opted for this service as they feel very comfortable,Others will oppose it for several problems. It w
It is believed by some that residential schools are a beneficial choice for children, whereas others consider this as a wrong statement. It would appear that both views have their positives and negatives.
It is often said that boarding schools are best for children to develop, while some people are the opposite view on this statement. In this essay, I would shed light on both sides before a reasonable conclusion can drown
While some people believe that boarding schools are an outstanding opportunity for children, others disagree with this view. This essay will look into both sides of the argument and reach a logical conclusion.
It is often said that children benefit from staying in the school hostel,especially in today’s sedentary lifestyle.However,this issue is not entirely straightforward,and arguments can also be made against the idea.This e
It is often said that boarding school is a great environment for children to develop. However, the issue is not entirely straightforward, and arguments can also be made against the idea. The essay will discuss the debate
Schooling for a child plays an essential role in their whole life. It has a great importance for social development. Nowadays, some people think that the living in the school accommodation helps for an improvement in ado
It is often believed that boarding schools are a great alternative for kids, however, the issue is not totally straightforward and arguments can also be made against idea for a dozen of causes. This essay will discuss th
We are provided with the statement, Students staying in schools during the working days is a better option, meanwhile some feel that it is not the right thing for students. In the following essay, I would argue on both t
Whereas another public for differing several of reasons, whoever palpate that the dormitory is an outstanding option for the juvenile. However, the issue is not entirely straightforward, and the argument can also be made
Trend for schools providing accommodation within its campus is burgeoning in recent years. Some people consider it is advantageous to students in many ways. However, some people argue in contrast to this situation. The
School life plays a vital role in the learning phase of a child. Child learn from the given atmosphere around him during the school life. Either it should be boarding school or not is debateable.
It seems that schools which have dormitory are great opportunity for students, on the other side many people conflict with (or oppose) some causes. This essay will discuss both views and give a conclusion.
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