IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Great career opportunities are always the first choice for every parent. Although it is sometimes thought that children ought to learn skills at school, other people believe that teaching different subjects can bring adv
Controversy has emerged about whether educational organisations should focus on theoretical subjects or reinforce soft skills. People often claim that theoretical knowledge is the most important ability for children's fu
Nowadays,educational institutions play a vital role in shaping pupils' futures.Some may argue that academics should include extracurricular extracurricular activities other than curriculum.However,the other set of people
laterly, all parent want to be the ideal opportunity for their kids. according to some people who think that schools should tech them different skills but some people think tank is different subject is ideal for a kids i
Parents are always concerned about the future of their children. The majority of them desire to plan their children's future careers due to numerous reasons like finding a job and getting an income. An eminent part of s
Lately, there has been a lot of discussions about the curriculum of the schools and what should teachers engage the kids to learn. Some people believe that elementary schools should focus on teaching skills like communic
Obviously parents often want to think bright future for their children.One can not deny from that fact that schools should be teach children best skills while many other feel that having more subjects to the teenager ben
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