IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Today's enterprises are facing calls for them to take on social responsibilities, Although I agree that making money is the top priority for any business, I suppose that companies should impose appropriate strategies to
Undoubtedly, business is vital part of any nation. It is totally undeniable that business should give alot to the society back rather than just focus on profit and with this statement i show my agreement to large extent.
The issue of whether businesses have a responsibility to wards society is open debate. I partly agree that companies should have duty to society. On the one hand, one of the culprist is that, first, a company have resp
The issue of whether businesses have a responsibility to wards society is open debate. I partly agree that companies should have duty to society. On the one hand, one of the culprist is that, first, a company have resp
The issue of whether businesses have a responsibility to wards society is open debate. I partly agree that companies should have duty to society.
This issue of whether business have a responsibility to wards society is open debate. I partly agree that companies should have duty to society.
It has been said that enterprises possess commitments to society along with profit making. I completely agree with the above statement that, all companies should run their business without cheating and should avoid dis
It is a social responsibility for bussiness to improve the life of people rather than aim of just earn a profit.
There has been tremendous growth in the business sector with the use of modern technology. Every industry has been growing financially and it is important for them to serve society. Apart from making money, I do agree t
During the course of human history, the co-existence of profitable and social responsibility doesn't seem to come to an end. While others supposed businesses should pay attention to population besides profit, I, personal
Although some part of society believes that apart from getting richer, businesses hold social responsibilities, others strongly disagree. In my opinion, I think that huge firms are responsible for shaping social trends,
Businesses are said to be sought as much profit as it can. However, entrepreneurs are no longer only focus on generating more income as possible. The big corporations try to bear social responsibility to contribute the s
Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about what kinds of functions that a business should take. While some people believe that making a profit is more important, others state that besides creating money
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