IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Children born without knowledge as well as intellect. Due to the developing they start to learn everything language, world and so on. For this reason some people claim that teen-agers have excellent possibility for obtai
Most of the children nowadays excel in foreign language studies compared to adults. Therefore, some people argue that educating foreign words should be introduced to young people as early as possible. In my opinion, I co
Over the recent years, it has been observed that more people tend to learn a new language apart from their native one. It is widely believed that minors' enjoy huge success in the ability to learn another language, compa
Many young kids normally succeed more in earning different foreign speech, as compared to adults. Therefore, It is more likely young children learn different languages from their young age. I completely agree that young
Young kids normally succeed more in earning different foreign languages, as compared to adults. Therefore, It is more likely young children learn different languages from their young age. I completely agree that young le
People have different views regarding whether children should learn languages in childhood since they are more successful to acquire foreign languages than adults. I agree with this opinion because of the following reaso
Learning other language is worthwhile and beneficial. Children normally more rich in learning new linguistic studies as compare to adults. Learning foreign language from primary schooling is more relavant. I agree with t
learning a new language could be a bit of challenge for some people. However, younger students in some manner shown they are faster learner than adults. I totally agree with this view, the younger you are, faster will le
It can be argued that, It is a good idea to learn international languages at school level as the adolescents are greater at academics than man. I completely agree with this notion and think that learning the internationa
It is the trend that many parents encourage their kids to start learning additional foreign languages. Therefore, many people argree that youngsters are more likely to pick up new language rather than adults. I wholehear
In the contemporary society, there have been widespread discussions about children are generally more successful in foreign language studies than adults and various arguments have been put forward Indeed such debates hav
It is a fact that the younger generation can learn a new language more effective than mature people. There are a large number of children who know more than three languages and the number of them is increased day by day.
It is a fact that the younger generation can learn a new language more effective than mature people. In this essay, I completely disagree with this idea because it will lead to some disadvantages.
It is a fact that children study a new language more effective than mature people. So, it leads to the suggestion that they should learn new languages in their childhood. Personally, I completely disagree with this idea.
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